Friday 25 November 2011

Evaluation - Question 3

Responses to the feedback
"I like the link with all the black and white, it gave all the pieces a link" - This positive comment allows me to see that I should keep the link as it keeps all three pieces tied together.

"I like the pictures on the poster, but I feel like it is too close to the artist and could do with being a bit further away" - The reason the picture is so close the the artist is because it is a media convention for the shots to be in close-up. Also we feel as though it connects the artist to the audience as they psychologically feel closer the the artist.  This is something we would not change.

"The digipak has all the information I need to know on it, I especially like the numbers next to the individual tracks" - This shows that we gave the target audience all the information they felt they needed to buy the digipak. The comment about the 'numbers' meaning the track times was good for us as it was something we weren't sure about, but this confirms that our choice was the right one.

"I don't like the image on the front of the digipak, it doesn't attract my attention" - The image on the front of the digipak is ment to be soft as it is representative of the music that the artist makes. The attention should be attracted because it takes up the majority of the page.

"I really like the front cover of the digipak, the picture and text really stand out" - This opposition to what was said before shows that people will have differences in opinion and thats why you must find a target audience.

"I think a few of your shots could cut quicker in your video, however I do like all the shots you use" - The slower cuts in the video are to emphasise the emotion in the song and the performance.

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